When did Halloween get so big in the UK? Perhaps it’s just me not noticing, but it seems Halloween is becoming more popular each year. Or perhaps it’s just that I have Cara now and she’s drawn to anything linked to sweeties. In any case, it’s a good excuse to get dressed up, eat sweets and knock on strangers’ doors for Halloween in East Greenwich.
During August and September, we asked Cara what she wanted to be for Halloween. Each couple of weeks, it was always ‘a princess’. However, things changed in the last week when from nowhere, she wanted to be a kitty. What the? Thanks to her Mum for some quick online shopping to sort out her costume.
Knock, knock, Trick or Treat?
Cara attended a nursery in East Greenwich last year, and one day after collecting her, we noticed the street it was located on all decorated with Halloween effects. Kids with their parents were going door to door, adding sweets to their baskets. Luckily, Cara was already dressed up as a doctor for a Halloween party at nursery so she joined in on the street festivities of Halloween in East Greenwich.
Fast forward to 2018, and we were prepared this year. Costume, bucket, and trick or treating with her best friend. We hit the streets in East Greenwich near Westcombe Park station. It’s great to see how neighbourly and friendly everyone is. Some families and houses go all out on the costumes and decorations which is fantastic.
With the nice weather and a can-do attitude, Cara slowly filled her bucket and after one street, had already outsourced the bucket holding to me as the weight was slowing her down. By the end of the third street, she had enough and was ready to head home where we would be handing out some candy. Job done.
Our turn to host
Whilst we were out trick or treating, we left lanterns lit and left a full tub of sweets out that we picked up from Makro. Within the hour we were gone, more than half the bucket had disappeared. Not sure how that happened, but quite surprised some was actually left. Our street and area isn’t as popular for trick or treaters, but we still had about 15-20 sets of kids and their parents knock on our door. We had added ourselves as a ‘Treats’ hotspot on the Nextdoor app.
Next year, Cara plans to be a purple mermaid or Elsa from Frozen. However, I’m sure that will change by 2019.
If you’d like to know which area we stalked for sweeties, please let me know. If you have any particular areas or streets that you’d like to share, add them to the comments section below.
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