With the exception of the weather, property is one of the most popular topics to chat about in the UK (and Australia). Whether it’s about prices rising, falling, too many flats, not enough flats, everyone has an opinion. If you’ve clicked around on this site before, you’ll notice that in addition to all the activities with Cara, I also enjoy a bit of property. There’s pages about property books, and some insight on the 18-year property cycle. I also occasionally contribute on property forums, such as Property Hub and Property Tribes, adding my heavily inflated 2 cents worth. So when the Expat Property Guy, host of the Expat Property Story reached out with an invite to his new podcast, it was a pleasant surprise! 

For those who know me, I’m not the most vocal or extroverted person. I don’t mind socialising, but I also don’t mind being in my own space. After contemplating the invite, I looked at my vision board which shows an image of the ‘comfort to growth zone’. Here, I wanted to push myself out of the comfort zone, and into the challenge, growth zone. So I said yes.

What’s it about?

Expat Property Guy, is originally from London, but now based in Hong Kong. As a result, he started the podcast to help other expats and property lovers. There have been many stories recently of international investors losing significant amounts of money investing in the UK. This tends to be off-plan new builds where the developer ends up running out of (or running off with) the funds.

The Expat Property Story is a new podcast, and at the time of writing, has five episodes available. There is a great lineup of guests, each sharing their individual knowledge and experience in property. This includes Rob Dix, Stuart Ball, Ivan Goh, Samuel Chan and Vicki Wusche. People with a lot more knowledge and experience than me! The information being shared will hopefully educate investors, allowing them to complete their own due diligence before investing. All this, while having some fun along the way. To ease guests into the podcast, guests tell a joke and do their best at naming as many Monopoly board places as possible. How many do you think I got?!

Episode now available! Be sure to support and subscribe to the Expat Property Story podcast. 

Expat Property Story Podcast Artwork Image
